Monday, October 15, 2007

Little Boy Blue aka Johnny Doe

This is not something I normally post ... but this really hits me.

Two years ago, a little boy was found, stuffed in a laundry bag, near some trees, about halfway in between where I work and where I live. He was estimated to be 3 - 4 years of age. The same age that MY SON was when this happened.

Nobody ever claimed him. Ever. They do not know his name. Why he died. How he died.

This little boy was laid to rest today, nameless, in a donated plot, in a cemetery in Wheaton, IL.

I cannot imagine the circumstances that would lead to a child being left, dead and alone, without a clue as to who or why.

He is not forgotten, today or any day. I pray for his spirit, and that during his years that were spent Earth side, that he knew joy, and love, and fun. I hope that he had a fantastic life, and that there was just one small moment, in his whole wonderful life, where something horrible happened, and somebody is too ashamed or afraid to come forward. I need to think that this boy was loved beyond belief up until the point of his death, and that even now, somebody is loving him and missing him, hoping and praying for him. This is what I need to think, because for me, the alternative is unimaginable.

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