Monday, May 03, 2010

great neighbors

I know this is late, and I suppose I could back date the entry, but this is how we work around here, so we'll just go with it.

Friday morning we were getting ready for school and at a crazy early hour, or at least crazy early for guests at our house, the doorbell rang. I opened it to find a May Day basket on our front door, and a pair of feet peeking out from behind my car.

It turns out that my very lovely neighbors were out spreading a little May Day cheer and they were the feet behind my car.

This is the first May Day bouquet I've ever received, and while I've thought of making them, I have never been organized enough to get one made and delivered.

Thanks to the 3M Family! You made my day, and even without knowing it, that was just what I was needing after a very long two weeks.

Maybe if I start now, I can "BOO" my neighbors for Halloween.

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