Monday, June 23, 2008

Goings On

The kids have been enjoying their summer so far ... we're still having a bit of a goofy time, and they are definitely in some "I don't feel the need to listen to my Mom, and I will do exactly what she is telling me NOT to do while she is standing right here"

It is a daily reminder in our house to not jump on The Bee's bed. I tell them to stop. They do. I walk away. They jump. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.

Today Niece Number 1 was over, and at some point I had wandered upstairs and noticed that the shelf above The Bee's bed was hanging by only one hook - not how it usually hangs. So, I asked Q and The Bee what happened. Of course, she pointed left and he pointed right.

She said that he threw his lion and it smashed the shelf down.
He said that he didn't know.

So, I said I would have to talk to Daddy when he got home to see how we were going to deal with this.

Tonight, I replayed the above to The Husband, and then he called The Bee into her room, where we were sitting. He asked her what happened.

She said that Q did a kick punch and knocked the shelf down.

Us: What were you doing?

Bee: Jumping.

Us: Are you supposed to be jumping?

Bee: I tried to stop, but my brakes didn't work (holds up her left foot). I need to get a new foot because my brake didn't work, so I couldn't stop jumping.

Us: Oh.

Bee: Yeah, my foot is broken.

I don't remember much after that point because I think I was holding my breath hard from trying not to laugh that I may have suffered a mini blackout type of thing or something.

It turns out that Q did knock the shelf down, but it was an accident. However, they were jumping on the bed. The shelf was able to be re-hung with minimal effort, although I wanted to exaggerate my efforts in re-hanging it, but I didn't.

We'll see what the rest of the week brings.

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