Saturday, December 15, 2007

Celebrating, Round 2

Today is the second Christmas Party of the year for us, and the first one that we are hosting.

I've got a list a mile long, and yet I choose to ignore it and cruise around the blog world for six more minutes. This is most likely the only quiet time I will get today, until after everybody leaves at 9:00, if not later. And, as a note, they are getting here at 2:00.

I've got a floor to mop, prizes to buy, gifts to wrap, surfaces to decorate ... it'll happen. If it doesn't, that's fine too ... I'm more of a minimalist when it comes to decorating. I don't like having every flat surface covered with "stuff" ... plus, the kids end up playing with it and then the "NOEL" train, says "NOL" for the rest of the season.

We'll be using the new camera today, so that will be fun. I've been having a lot of fun taking a lot of pictures. The quality is so much better too! If anybody is thinking about SLR, I say go for it. It's a lot of money (for us anyway), but it's so worth it. I've actually been able to get pictures of my daughter dancing, and she is not just a whirl of hair with a blurry face.

I have one minute left, on my self imposed internet time limit, so I am off to be joyous and merry, or something like that.

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