Thursday, December 11, 2008

not good

My in-laws live on a country road, or at least what in this area is called a country road.

I have known them almost eleven years, and this morning, there was an accident on the road in front of their house. It was the fourth accident in the time that I've known them. This morning, two high school boys died as a result of the accident. They were on their way to school, six miles from the house.

This is really bothering me today ... I don't know if it's because I've got kids of my own, or if it's because I "know" the house it happened at ... this is the house that we are considering buying, once my in-laws retire and downsize. Is that it - am I going to have to make myself familiar with "the sound" of an accident happening? Am I going to have a conversation with my kids, using phrases, "oh, they usually are heading the other direction" or "I had to find which side of the house they were on"?

Whatever the reason for my being upset, it's really not about me. It's about two boys that didn't make it to school. Two sets of parents that won't be poking their head in the bedroom door, or listening for steps that aren't coming home again. There won't be the sound of their child pulling in the driveway, only people bringing condolences.

I hope that the families and friends are able to look back and remember with a smile through the tears, and that they are able to make their way from this awful point.

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