Monday, October 27, 2008

brr ... getting ready for the cold

It's getting ready to get cold around these parts, so I'm getting ready for winter.

Let's see ...

Garage cleared out so at least one of us can park in there - check!
Flannel sheets on our bed, nice and cozy - check!
Electric blanket on our bed, just because you can never be too warm - check!
Gloves, scarves and hats out, in the basket by the door - check!
Plastic on the windows along the west side of the house - not quite a check, I have four windows to go ...
Screen door off, storm door on - not yet
One final cutting of the grass - nope, it may have gotten away from us this year
The raking of the leaves and adding to the compost tumbler - later this week

Other things I want to do, that aren't necessarily house related:

Pomegranite jelly, round 2
Apple pie filling, round 2
Blueberry pie filling, round 1

Gathering so I have things to do (ha!) when we don't feel like going out:

Yarn, waiting to be made into dishcloths
Netting, waiting to be made into produce bags
Fabric, waiting to be made into baby blankets
Fleece, waiting to be made into winter hats
A stack of books, by the couch and by the bed, perfect companions for a cup of tea or chocolate

I'm getting ready to hunker down here - what are you doing to get ready for the upcoming cold weather season?

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