Friday, May 09, 2008


At this time six years ago, I was very pregnant and very ready to meet my first child. I had already been sent home from the hospital once the Monday before and had been having prodromal labor all week. For those of you that have not had it, prodromal labor is not the most fun way to spend an entire week, especially when your husband is so freaked out that you could go into labor at any moment, that he doesn't want you to go any further than the mailbox.

But ... in just over 24 hours (25:12, to be exact), my son will turn six.

Tomorrow is his birthday party, so today was spent getting ready for it - making salsa, making a cake and sloppy joes. We will spend the day with some friends and family, and then we'll spend the evening as a family of four, enjoying each others company. I know I'll sit back and take the time to remember all the joy that The Boy Child has brought to us. I can't remember my life before him, other than I was getting more sleep back then. But, even if I can't remember my life before kids, I can tell you, I'll take sleep deprivation any day.

Hugs to my almost birthday boy - your Mama loves you buddy.

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