The deviled eggs - done!
The pumpkin cranberry bread - done!
The blueberry pie - done!
Oven on clean - done!
A few years ago, it may have been the year my Mom passed away, in 2000, I decided that I was starting a new tradition. Every year, in early November, I pester an assorted handful of relatives, near and far, and request that they tell me three things they are thankful for. This is our eighth year, and we have added a decent number of relatives - my two kids, my brother in laws three kids, a couple of husbands and a cousin. The list is now three pages long, when everyone participates.
I am in charge of "The List" - getting answers, compiling it and reading it. Even for those of us that are not at the local gathering, emails are sent, with the instructions to read it before you sit down to eat.
This year, I'll share our immediate families list:
- A husband that indulges and loves me enough that he's considering flying my Dad up for Christmas.
- Everything that is based out of a certain home in North Aurora - my home, my husband and my children, and everything, joyful, funny and frustrating that goes along with them.
- My paper shredder
- The joys and frustrations that my wonderful children bring to me every day
- An understanding and wonderful wife
- Friends and family who love me for what I am
THE SON, aka Q, age 5 1/2
- Turkey
- Pumpkins, watermelon and fruit salad
- Bronco Football games
- My whole family, Mommy, Daddy, Q, The Bee, Mimi, Boompa, Zoe and that’s not all of them
THE DAUGHTER, aka The Bee, age 3 1/2
- My Mommy and My Daddy and Mimi and Boompa and Zoe
- My plate
- Strawberries
Some years the list is more serious - current political events, health issues, money ebbing and tiding - they all show up at some point or another. Some years we're not as serious - Cheetos, lip gloss, movies and leopard print have made an appearance as well. I've got all of these saved on the computer, and a hard copy is floating around here somewhere. I don't have a definite, long range plan for these lists ... they're just something I wanted to start making, and we'll see how it goes as we get there.
Have a wonderful holiday, and I hope you are able to indulge in all of your favorite things! Hug those that are around you and enjoy the holiday.