Thursday, November 22, 2007

And we're off!

to the grandparents house we go!

The deviled eggs - done!
The pumpkin cranberry bread - done!
The blueberry pie - done!
Oven on clean - done!

A few years ago, it may have been the year my Mom passed away, in 2000, I decided that I was starting a new tradition. Every year, in early November, I pester an assorted handful of relatives, near and far, and request that they tell me three things they are thankful for. This is our eighth year, and we have added a decent number of relatives - my two kids, my brother in laws three kids, a couple of husbands and a cousin. The list is now three pages long, when everyone participates.

I am in charge of "The List" - getting answers, compiling it and reading it. Even for those of us that are not at the local gathering, emails are sent, with the instructions to read it before you sit down to eat.

This year, I'll share our immediate families list:

  • A husband that indulges and loves me enough that he's considering flying my Dad up for Christmas.
  • Everything that is based out of a certain home in North Aurora - my home, my husband and my children, and everything, joyful, funny and frustrating that goes along with them.
  • My paper shredder

  • The joys and frustrations that my wonderful children bring to me every day
  • An understanding and wonderful wife
  • Friends and family who love me for what I am

THE SON, aka Q, age 5 1/2
  • Turkey
  • Pumpkins, watermelon and fruit salad
  • Bronco Football games
  • My whole family, Mommy, Daddy, Q, The Bee, Mimi, Boompa, Zoe and that’s not all of them

THE DAUGHTER, aka The Bee, age 3 1/2

  • My Mommy and My Daddy and Mimi and Boompa and Zoe
  • My plate
  • Strawberries

Some years the list is more serious - current political events, health issues, money ebbing and tiding - they all show up at some point or another. Some years we're not as serious - Cheetos, lip gloss, movies and leopard print have made an appearance as well. I've got all of these saved on the computer, and a hard copy is floating around here somewhere. I don't have a definite, long range plan for these lists ... they're just something I wanted to start making, and we'll see how it goes as we get there.

Have a wonderful holiday, and I hope you are able to indulge in all of your favorite things! Hug those that are around you and enjoy the holiday.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving

I'm not in a super serious mood tonight ... I have very many lovely Thanksgiving memories, and I do enjoy the holiday, so forgive what some people would probably call blasphemy, but here's a bit of fun for a holiday that tends to be a bit stressful.

Have fun!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

who I met yesterday

Yesterday I decided to take the kids to the local Children's Museum for something different to do. You can only do the same things over and over before it drives you bonkers, so off we went ... We saw a marionette show, which was good until the whale ate Pinocchio, and that weirded The Bee out.

After a bit more playing time, we stopped at McDonald's for lunch. It's never first on my list, but in the end, I'm glad we went.

The kids ate their lunches, and we had coupons for free ice cream cones. I sent Q up there to get his by himself, and when he came back, The Bee and I went up.

We were standing in line and I noticed that a biker had walked in and was in line behind us. I got a closer look at the patches on his vest, and one of them was florescent yellow - Patriot Guard Rider. I was keeping The Bee in line, so I quickly commented, "Oh, you guys do good work". He didn't really say anything, and after a couple more minutes in line, I turned around and offered to buy him a cup of coffee.

Me: Sir, can I buy you a cup of coffee?
PGR: No, I'll pass.
Me: Really. I'd like to buy you a cup of coffee. You are doing a great thing, and I really appreciate it.
PGR: No, thank you, I appreciate it though.

It was at this point that I almost dropped my soda on the floor and The Bee got her ice cream, so we went back to the table and The Rider ordered his lunch.

If you're not familiar with the Patriot Guards, they are a volunteer group that provides a barrier to the public (usually protesters) at military funerals, whether they be active duty or retired from the service. They also provide motorcycle escorts along the way. They started in response to a church group that was protesting outside the funeral of a fallen soldier. Very quickly, word spread, and now, I believe, there are groups in many of the 50 states.

But, the weird thing is, I couldn't stop staring at him. I literally wanted to sit next to him and just chat. It's like he was a celebrity or something ... he was better than a movie star, better than a politician - he is an Ordinary Joe, volunteering to do something good for somebody he most likely doesn't even know. Just because it's the right thing to do.

While we were waiting for The Bee to finish her ice cream, Q was holding the door for folks coming in and out of McDonalds, and he held the door for The Rider on his way out. The kids like motorcycles anyway (so does their Mom!), so I let them stand in the breezeway and watch him leave. I was almost in tears - I was just so proud of him and the group he represents.

As he drove away I saw the two huge American flags that he had on the back of his bike. Initially, when I saw his bike in the lot, I thought it was strange that somebody was riding their bike with two giant pool noodles on the back, but later I realized that those are his flags, and they were covered to keep them from blowing.

So if you're ever out and happen to see a motorcycle with two pool noodles and a florescent patch, know that he's a Patriot Guard Rider.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Halloween Fallout

Or should I say, Halloween, make your teeth fall out?

The Children had a marvelous time on Wednesday, both trick or treating and handing out candy. Q will literally run down our driveway to meet you at the sidewalk to give you candy. Needless to say, he tends to shock more than a few kids by doing this.

At around six o'clock (I love writing out the time) Wonder Woman and Darth Vader made a sudden appearance, as did Shaggy (my husband), and off we went to gather some loot. And gather loot we did.

We were gone for about an hour or so ... which in the whole scheme of things, is not a long time. When I was trick or treating, we used to be gone from 1 -5. Granted, this was always the Sunday before Halloween, but we were out the door at one, and back in after five.

I don't know what the difference is, but there were not a lot of kids out this year. I could have easily gotten by with two bags of candy, and I'm not talking the big ones. While we were gone, my mother in law handed out candy to four kids. After we got home, there was nobody until just before eight o'clock. I think our total was maybe forty kids, and that is being generous.

And, even though I'm in the Chicago area, and the running joke is that you have to plan a Halloween costume to go around winter jackets and snow pants, it was actually a very nice night. I managed with a turtle neck under my t-shirt and a sweater coat. Last year it rained, and I remember as a kid, trick or treating in the snow or in very cold (freezing) weather.

So ... what did my kids come away with ... I weighed it out, and here's the totals:

  • 1 pound, 4 ounces of candy is being taken to my work (sweet tarts, suckers, the chewy or sticky stuff we can't eat)
  • 5 pounds, 6 ounces is being kept here (although some of it has been frozen to bake with later this year - I'm sure I can find a recipe for Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and Kit Kats)
  • 10 ounces of chocolate bars are being taken to my husbands work, because I know that they like these particular candies, and we don't
  • 1 pound, 1 ounce of snacks - pretzels, goldfish crackers, etc
  • 3 pounds leftover from our house (some of this has been frozen too)
This does not include the play doh, mini flashlights and other assorted toys they received.

That is almost 12 POUNDS of candy that is currently in my house. Holy crap.

If I were to eat it all, not only would I make myself sick, it would probably result in a net gain of 21 POUNDS on my body, specifically in the hip and thigh area, and a loss of probably $600 from my checking account for dental bills.

I hope you weren't tricked, and were treated well.