We got up this morning and couldn't have breakfast because we finished the milk at dinner last night, so we improvised and had cheerios and raisins, then some applesauce and sliced peaches. Pretty healthy, at least it wasn't jelly beans.
Went to the bank, paid our property taxes. That's not so fun ... The second payment isn't due until September 1st.
Then to the other bank for a deposit. The kids got suckers at this one. She even gave us the same flavor ... she's probably a parent.
Then to get Q's haircut. He actually likes going and getting to sit in the big chair for this ... and now I have my handsome boy back ... not so shaggy now.
Then to Hobby Lobby. I really like this store, and I like their philosophy - closed on Sunday for family, friends and worship. Too bad more businesses couldn't be like this. I picked up the fabric for my nieces tote bag for her birthday next Sunday.
After that we walked down to PetSmart (this is when I had my thought) to see the puppies and turtles. I don't know what they fed them, but they were all in rare form this morning ... lots of playing through the glass today. We were all sad when we left, especially the kids since they are really in Puppy Mode. If only their Dad and I could agree on what we want in a dog.
Then to Oberweis for milk. We love their milk, even if it is crazily expensive.
Then home, only to turn around again and go out for pizza for lunch. I do admit to calling it in though, so our wait in the restaurant wouldn't be too long. I was pressing my luck taking them for lunch at 12:30 ... they were already hungry, and I didn't know how they would handle the wait. Maybe I don't give them enough credit, I don't know. But, they were great in the restaurant. Q ate five pieces of pizza, The Bee ate one. We brought the rest home. I normally balk at the idea of spending $25 on lunch, but you know what, I'm tired of that. That's not to say I'm going to do it daily or even weekly. I don't care if I can feed us lunch for two weeks on $25 ... we had pizza today and we had fun.

It's nice to say yes.
Maybe we'll make it to the grocery store later, maybe we won't ... we'll see what the rest of the day brings. I hope it's as good as the first part was.